$1M Settlement For Family of Student Killed at Football Camp

$1M Settlement For Family of Student Killed at Football Camp by admin take our free case quiz A million dollar settlement was reached for the family of a high school football player who was accidentally hit by a motorized cart while volunteering at a recreational football camp in North Carolina. The family sued the school, […]

GM establece fondos de compensación para víctimas de productos defectuosos

GM Setting Up Compensation Funds For Defective Product Victims by admin take our free case quiz The General Motors defective ignition switches have now lead to more than a million recalled vehicles. So far there has been 13 confirmed deaths linked to the defective product but there is hundreds more people coming forward claiming there […]

Mantener a los niños seguros en verano

Keeping Kids Safe in Summer by admin take our free case quiz Summer is nearly everyone’s favorite time of the year. It can also be the most dangerous.  As the weather warms and children finish school, people of all ages become more active and enjoy the activities offered by summer like swimming, biking and family […]

10 pautas para elegir el abogado de lesiones personales adecuado

10 Guidelines For Choosing The Right Personal Injury Lawyer by admin take our free case quiz 10 Guidelines For Choosing The Right Personal Injury Lawyer Need Help Choosing A Personal Injury Lawyer? 1. Is he or she experienced? How long have they been practicing accident law and how many accident cases have they handled? 2.Do they […]

2 Year Old Boy Killed By Falling Statue While Visiting Fisherman’s Wharf

2 Year Old Boy Killed By Falling Statue While Visiting Fisherman’s Wharf by admin take our free case quiz A family trip to San Francisco resulted in a tragic accident for one Utah family this week. While visiting The Fishermans Wharf on Friday two year old Kayson Shelton was playing on a large statue of some […]

Are “Bouncy Houses” Safe For Your Child’s Party?

Are “Bouncy Houses” Safe For Your Child’s Party? by admin take our free case quiz An unfortunate incident took place in Littleton, Colorado on Saturday, May 31, where strong winds lifted a bouncy house and blew it across a field with unstoppable force. What’s frightening is that two children were using the bouncy house whenever […]

Leibeck contra Mcdonalds: 20 años después

Looking Back On Leibeck vs. Mcdonalds 20 Years Later by admin take our free case quiz People may not remember the Name Stella Leibeck but almost certainly they know of her landmark case vs Mcdonalds. The infamous, Hot Coffee Settlement, spread like wildfire through the news media and became a rallying cry for legal reform. The […]

Consejos para conducir en clima lluvioso

Rainy Weather Driving Tips by admin take our free case quiz Statistics from the Federal Highway Administration reveal a stunning relationship between accidents and bad weather, especially rain. Nearly one in four vehicular crashes in the U.S. is weather-related, and approximately three-quarters of those accidents occur on pavement that is wet from rain that is […]