Lidiando con ajustadores de seguros: ¿Cuáles son sus derechos?
Dealing with Insurance Adjusters: What Are Your Rights? by Christian Scranton take our free case quiz When communicating with insurance adjusters, it’s natural to want to be as helpful and forthcoming as possible so you are seen as cooperative rather than obstructive. Sadly, this good faith is often used against you—and if it feels like […]
7 Señales de Alerta al Tratar con Ajustadores de Seguros
7 Red Flags When Dealing with Insurance Adjusters by Christian Scranton take our free case quiz Dealing with the other party’s insurance adjuster is one of the least pleasant parts of any personal injury case. You might always feel like you’re on trial as they constantly wait for you to slip up and take your […]
¿Cuándo son los propietarios responsables de las lesiones?
When Are Landlords Liable For Injuries? by admin take our free case quiz When you are involved in an automobile accident, the first thing that the insurance companies will want to do is send you a questionnaire or ask for a recorded statement. Both can have detrimental ramifications for you in your accident claim. As far […]
¿Quién es legalmente responsable si mi hijo se lesiona en la escuela?
Who is Legally Responsible If My Child is Injured At School? by admin take our free case quiz Can A School District Be Sued For Injuries To Students? Parents know how active and energetic children can be, and that tendency doesn’t necessarily change just because children are at school, especially with playtime and physical education […]
La Promesa de Scranton Law Firm
The Scranton Law Firm Promise by admin take our free case quiz Free Case Review Visit Our Main Office
Si firmé una exención de responsabilidad, ¿todavía tengo un caso?
If I Signed A Liability Waiver Do I Still Have A Case? by admin take our free case quiz Companies of all types will do whatever they can to limit their liability. For example, almost all gyms, or martial arts academies make you sign a waiver before participating. Even some amusement parksrequire a signed waiver […]
3 formas en que las publicaciones en las redes sociales pueden sabotear su reclamo por lesiones
3 Ways Social Media Posts Can Sabotage Your Injury Claim by Christian Scranton take our free case quiz Social networks like Facebook or Instagram can be great tools for sharing pictures and messages to your friends and loved ones. But once you take it beyond that, you could be left with some problems… especially when […]
Border Patrol Agent Ends San Diego Recording Engineer’s Career
Border Patrol Agent Ends San Diego Recording Engineer’s Career by admin take our free case quiz A San Diego Judge ruled against the U.S. Government and in favor of a recording artist who was seriously injured in an accident with an on-duty Border Patrol Agent. The judge awarded 5.4 million dollars in damages to John […]
Valoración de su caso de lesiones personales
Valuing Your Personal Injury Case by admin take our free case quiz Determining how much your personal injury case is worth is crucial in deciding if you actually want to follow through with the process. If it’s not much money you stand to win it may not be worth your time and effort. There’s a […]
5 cosas que necesita llevar a una consulta de lesiones personales
5 Things You Need Bring to a Personal Injury Consultation by admin take our free case quiz Your personal injury consultation is an extremely important meeting. You want to make sure you are well prepared. Preparation for your consultation is very helpful. The more you’ve prepared, the better the chances are your lawyer can get you the largest […]