Conductor bajo los efectos de la marihuana mata a peatón en Manteca

Marijuana-Impaired Driver Kills Pedestrian in Manteca DUI Accident, Manteca, CA take our free case quiz Driver Under Influence of Marijuana Strikes and Kills Pedestrian on W. Yosemite Avenue Manteca, CA – A tragic incident unfolded late Sunday night in Manteca when a pedestrian was struck and killed by a driver suspected to be impaired by […]
Colisión frontal de autobús de tránsito deja dos heridos en Arden-Arcade

Transit Bus Head-On Collision Injures Two in Arden-Arcade Bus Accident, Arden-Arcade, CA take our free case quiz Two Passengers Hospitalized After a Transit Bus Head-On Collision at the Intersection of Northrop Avenue and Fulton Avenue Arden-Arcade, CA -A transit bus collided head-on with a vehicle in Arden-Arcade, Sacramento County. The crash resulted in injuries to […]
Muerte trágica de un oficial de San José en accidente sospechoso de DUI

Tragic Death of San Jose Officer in Suspected DUI Crash DUI Accident, San Jose, CA take our free case quiz Service Officer Long Pham was Killed in DUI Incident on Monterey Road San Jose, CA – A tragic incident unfolded on Monterey Road in San Jose last Saturday night as Community Service Officer Long Pham […]
Conductor de U-Haul ataca a hombre con tubo de metal en San Mateo

U-Haul Driver Attacks Man with Metal Pipe in San Mateo Two-Vehicle Accident, San Mateo, CA take our free case quiz Confrontation Escalates to Shooting and Truck Collision at the intersection of 19th Avenue and Grant Street San Mateo, CA – A traffic dispute in San Mateo took a violent turn when a U-Haul driver crashed […]
Colisión de varios vehículos en la carretera 113 en Woodland

Multi-Vehicle Collision on Highway 113 in Woodland Multi-Vehicle Accident, Woodland, CA take our free case quiz One Injured Following a Multi-Vehicle Accident on Highway 113, near the Main Street Offramp Woodland, CA – A multi-vehicle crash on the northbound Highway 113 offramp near Main Street in Woodland led to traffic delays on Friday afternoon, with at […]
Accidente de camión en llamas interrumpe el tráfico en la I-580 cerca de Tracy

Fiery Big Rig Crash Disrupts I-580 Traffic Near Tracy Big Rig Accident, Tracy, CA take our free case quiz I-580 Slowdown after Big Rig Fiery Collision Tracy, CA -A fiery crash involving two big rigs on westbound Interstate 580 near Tracy caused significant traffic delays early Friday morning. Here’s what happened. The Incident On August […]
Accidente de dos vehículos en la I-80 en North Highlands deja a una mujer herida

Two-Vehicle Crash on I-80 in North Highlands Injures a Woman Two-Vehicle Accident, North Highlands, CA take our free case quiz A Woman is Injured Following a Two-Vehicle Collision on Interstate 80 Near Madison Avenue North Highlands, CA -A two-vehicle crash occurred on westbound Interstate 80 near the Madison Avenue offramp in North Highlands. The Incident […]
Peatón de 33 años herido en incidente de atropello y fuga en Santa Rosa

33-Year-Old Pedestrian Injured in Santa Rosa Hit-and-Run Incident Hit-and-Run Accident, Santa Rosa, CA take our free case quiz Pedestrian Severely Injured after a Hit-and-Run Accident that Occurred on Hearn Avenue near the SMART Tracks Santa Rosa, CA -A 33-year-old pedestrian was severely injured in a hit-and-run incident on Hearn Avenue, in Santa Rosa. The swift […]
Avión pequeño se estrella en una zona remota al sureste de Livermore

Small Plane Crashes in Remote Area Southeast of Livermore Plane Accident, Livermore, CA take our free case quiz Small Plane Crashed near Mines Road and Tarraville Creek Road Livermore, CA -On Friday morning, a small plane crashed in a remote area twenty miles southeast of Livermore, near the Alameda-Contra Costa county line. The Incident On […]
Colisión entre dos vehículos en Sacramento lesiona al conductor

Two-Vehicle Collision in Sacramento Injures Driver Two-Vehicle Accident, Sacramento, CA take our free case quiz T-Bone Incident between Two-Vehicles Hospitalizes One at the Intersection of Folsom Boulevard and Wissemann Drive Sacramento, CA – A two-vehicle collision on a Thursday morning in Sacramento has left at least one person hospitalized. The crash, which occurred at the […]