Accidente de dos vehículos en la Carretera 4 en Discovery Bay

Accidente de dos vehículos en la Carretera 4 en Discovery Bay

Two-Vehicle Accident on Highway 4 in Discovery Bay Two-Vehicle Accident, Discovery Bay, CA take our free case quiz Minor Injury Reported in Two-Vehicle Accident on Highway 4 and Bacon Island Road Discovery Bay, CA – A car crash involving two vehicles was reported Friday afternoon on Highway 4 and Bacon Island Road in Discovery Bay, […]

Peatón herido tras colisión en el sur de Sacramento

Peatón herido tras colisión en el sur de Sacramento

Pedestrian Injured after Collision in South Sacramento Pedestrian Accident, South Sacramento, CA take our free case quiz Vehicle Strikes Pedestrian near Stockton Boulevard and Elder Creek Road Causing Critical Injuries South Sacramento, CA – In a tragic incident early Friday afternoon, a pedestrian was critically injured after being struck by a vehicle near Stockton Boulevard […]

Accidente fatal de peatón en Glen Park, San Francisco

Fatal Pedestrian Collision in Glen Park San Francisco

Fatal Pedestrian Collision in Glen Park, San Francisco Pedestrian Accident, San Francisco CA take our free case quiz Woman Killed by Car in San Francisco’s Glen Park Neighborhood at the Intersection of Bosworth and Diamond streets San Francisco, CA – A car accident in San Francisco’s Glen Park neighborhood resulted in the tragic death of […]

Accidente peatonal fatal cerca de la frontera entre Roseville y Rocklin

Accidente peatonal fatal cerca de la frontera entre Roseville y Rocklin

Fatal Pedestrian Accident Near Roseville and Rocklin Boarder Pedestrian Accident, Rocklin, CA take our free case quiz Pedestrian was Struck by Multiple Vehicles on Westbound Interstate 80 Rocklin, CA – In the early hours of Tuesday morning, a tragic accident occurred near the border of Roseville and Rocklin, claiming the life of a pedestrian attempting […]

Police Chase in Berkeley Leads to Carjacking Suspect’s Arrest

Police Chase in Berkeley Leads to Carjacking Suspects Arrest

Police Chase in Berkeley Leads to Carjacking Suspect’s Arrest Police Pursuit, Berkeley, CA take our free case quiz Carjacking Suspect Arrested After Police Pursuit Ends in Collision on San Pablo Avenue and Cedar Street Berkeley, CA – A carjacking suspect was arrested in Berkeley on Monday after a high-speed chase ended in a collision at […]

Ciclista muerto atropellado por un vehículo en Knights Landing

Ciclista muerto atropellado por un vehículo en Knights Landing

Bicyclist Killed by Vehicle in Knights Landing Bicycle Accident, Knights Landing, CA take our free case quiz Bicyclist Dies After Being Hit by Car on Highway 113 Knights Landing, CA -A tragic accident occurred in Knights Landing, Yolo County, when a bicyclist was fatally struck by a vehicle on Highway 113. The Incident The fatal […]

Trágica muerte de un peatón en colisión de automóvil en Sunnyvale

Trágica muerte de un peatón en colisión de automóvil en Sunnyvale

Tragic Pedestrian Death in Sunnyvale Car Collision Pedestrian Accident, Sunnyvale, CA take our free case quiz Crash in Sunnyvale Claims Pedestrian’s Life on Highway 101 near State Route 237 Sunnyvale, CA – Late Monday evening, a pedestrian lost their life in a devastating car collision on Highway 101 in Sunnyvale. The Incident On Monday evening, […]

Trágica colisión con fuga cobra la vida de un peatón en Visalia

Trágica colisión con fuga cobra la vida de un peatón en Visalia

Tragic Hit-and-Run Collision Claims Life of Visalia Pedestrian Hit-and-Run Accident, Visalia, CA take our free case quiz Hit-and-Run Driver Flees Scene After Killing a Pedestrian near Caldwell Avenue and Ben Maddox Way Visalia, CA -A pedestrian was tragically killed in a hit-and-run collision late Monday night near Caldwell Avenue and Ben Maddox Way in Visalia, […]

Accidente mortal en bicicleta en el este de Bakersfield

Accidente mortal en bicicleta en el este de Bakersfield

Deadly Bicycle Accident in East Bakersfield Bicycle Accident, East Bakersfield, CA take our free case quiz Vehicle Struck and Killed Bicyclist on the 400 block of East California Avenue East Bakersfield, CA – A tragic accident unfolded in East Bakersfield when a vehicle struck and killed a bicyclist on East California Avenue. The Incident On […]