Conductor de camión grande herido en un accidente por golpe y fuga en la Autopista 41 en Fresno

Semi-Truck Driver Injured in Highway 41 Hit-and-Run in Fresno Hit-And-Run Accident, Fresno, CA take our free case quiz A Hit-and-Run Crash Injures a Semi-Truck Driver on Highway 41 near the Highway 99 Interchange Fresno, CA -A serious hit-and-run crash on Fresno’s Highway 41 resulted in injuries to a semi-truck driver. The incident involved a white […]
Vehículo atropelló y mató a mujer en situación de calle en Stockton

Vehicle Struck and Killed Unhoused Woman in Stockton Pedestrian Accident, Stockton, CA take our free case quiz 53-Year-Old Susan Tapper Died after Being Hit by Vehicle at the Intersection of Pacific Avenue and Yokuts Avenue Stockton, CA -A 53-year-old woman lost her life after being struck by a vehicle Thursday night in Stockton’s Lakeview […]
Peatón atropellado fatalmente por un auto cerca de Santana Row en San José

Pedestrian Fatally Struck by Car Near Santana Row in San Jose Pedestrian Accident, San Jose, CA take our free case quiz Pedestrian is Killed Following a Collision with a Vehicle in the area of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Hanson Avenue, near Santana Row San Jose, CA -A female pedestrian was fatally struck by a car […]
Niña de 13 años es atacada por un grupo de perros en Hayfork

13-Year-Old Girl is Attacked by a Group of Dogs in Hayfork Dog Attack, Hayfork, CA take our free case quiz A 13-Year-Old Girl is Hospitalized after being Attacked by a Pack of Dogs Hayfork, CA -A 13-year-old girl named Stormy Ashby was assaulted by a group of dogs while walking in Downtown Hayfork, Trinity County. […]
Hombre de Sacramento hospitalizado tras colisión con un peatón

Sacramento Man Hospitalized After Pedestrian Collision Pedestrian Accident, Sacramento, CA take our free case quiz Accident Involving a Pedestrian took place at the Intersection of Florin Perkins and Jackson roads Sacramento, CA -A chilling pedestrian collision occurred in Sacramento, leaving a man critically injured Thursday night. The Incident Just after 9 p.m. on Thursday night, […]
Hombre hospitalizado tras accidente de motocicleta en Citrus Heights

Man Hospitalized After Citrus Heights Motorcycle Crash Motorcycle Accident, Citrus Heights, CA take our free case quiz Motorcyclist Severely Injured after Collision with a Vehicle at the Intersection of Linda Sue Way and Madison Avenue Citrus Heights, CA -Emergency responders rushed to the scene of a motorcycle and vehicle collision at the intersection of Linda […]
Usuario de bicicleta eléctrica atropellado fatalmente por camioneta en Orangevale

E-Bicycle Rider Fatally Struck by Pickup Truck in Orangevale Bicycle Accident, Orangevale, CA take our free case quiz A Man on Electric Bike Killed in a Crash with Pickup Truck at the Intersection of Elm and Beech Avenues Orangevale, CA -A tragic accident in Orangevale has claimed the life of a man riding an electric […]
Colisión mortal de motocicleta en North Chester Ave en Bakersfield

Fatal Motorcycle Collision on North Chester Ave in Bakersfield Motorcycle Accident, Bakersfield, CA take our free case quiz A Motorcycle Crash that Occurred near the Intersection of Chester Avenue and East Beardsley Avenue Leaves One Dead Bakersfield, CA -A tragic accident involving a motorcycle and a sedan occurred on North Chester Avenue in Bakersfield on […]
Colisión de Dos Camiones Grandes en la I-580 en el Condado de San Joaquín

Two Big Rig Collision on I-580 in San Joaquin County Big Rig Accident, San Joaquin County, CA take our free case quiz Two Big Rigs Collided on Westbound Interstate 580 near the South Chrisman Road Off-ramp San Joaquin County, CA -A crash involving two big rigs on westbound Interstate 580 near the South Chrisman Road […]
Un ciclista de Newark de 60 años muere atropellado en Cherry Street

60-Year-Old Newark Bicyclist Killed by a Car on Cherry Street Bicycle Accident, Newark, CA take our free case quiz A 60-Year-Old Bicyclist is Fatally Struck by a Vehicle on Cherry Street near Redeker Place Newark, CA -A 60-year-old bicyclist was tragically killed in a collision with a vehicle on Cherry Street in Newark, California. The […]