Peatón golpeado y herido por un vehículo en Del Paso Park

Peatón golpeado y herido por un vehículo en Del Paso Park

Pedestrian Hit and Injured by Vehicle in Del Paso Park Pedestrian Accident, Del Paso Park, CA take our free case quiz A Pedestrian was Injured after getting Hit by a Vehicle along Auburn Boulevard and Bell Street  Dell Paso Park, CA – In the heart of Sacramento’s Del Paso Park, a routine afternoon took a […]

Peatón muere después de ser golpeado por un automóvil en Bakersfield

Peatón muere después de ser golpeado por un automóvil en Bakersfield

Pedestrian Dies After Being Hit by a Car in Bakersfield Pedestrian Accident, Bakersfield, CA take our free case quiz A Pedestrian who Died after being Hit and Majorly Injured by a Vehicle took place on Niles Street  Bakersfield, CA – A routine evening turned tragic on Niles Street, where a moment’s distraction culminated in irreversible […]

56-Year-Old Pedestrian is Hit & Killed by a Vehicle in Hayward

Un peatón de 56 años muere atropellado por un vehículo en Hayward

56-Year-Old Pedestrian is Hit Killed by a Vehicle in Hayward Pedestrian Accident, Hayward, CA take our free case quiz 56-Year-Old Male Pedestrian is Dead after Being Hit by a Vehicle at the Intersection of Tennyson Road and Lustig Court Hayward, CA – On a fateful evening in Hayward, a seemingly mundane intersection became the site […]

Un peatón de 17 años es golpeado por un vehículo en Greenhaven

Un peatón de 17 años es golpeado por un vehículo en Greenhaven

17-Year-Old Pedestrian is Struck by a Vehicle in Greenhaven Pedestrian Accident, Greenhaven, CA take our free case quiz 17-Year-Old Pedestrian is Injured after Being Hit by a Vehicle at the Intersection of Havenside Drive and Northlite Circle Greenhaven, CA – In the quiet streets of Greenhaven, a routine morning was disrupted by an unsettling incident—a […]

Un peatón de 70 años es golpeado por una motocicleta en Hanford

Un peatón de 70 años es golpeado por una motocicleta en Hanford

70-Year-Old Pedestrian is Hit by a Motorcycle in Hanford Pedestrian Accident, Hanford, CA take our free case quiz 70-Year-Old Woman is Injured after Being Hit by a Motorcycle on the 400 block of E. Sixth Street Hanford, CA – A peaceful stroll through downtown Hanford turned perilous for a 70-year-old woman when a motorcycle collision […]

Un peatón de 5 años, atropellado por un camión, está hospitalizado en Atwater

5-Year-Old Pedestrian Hit by a Truck is Hospitalized in Atwater

5-Year-Old Pedestrian, Hit by a Truck, is Hospitalized in Atwater Pedestrian Accident, Atwater, CA take our free case quiz 5-Year-Old is Hospitalized after Being Hit by a Pickup Truck on Crest Road near Muir Avenue Atwater, CA – A serene afternoon on the quiet streets of Atwater was shattered when a young life was thrust […]

Guadalupe Chávez, de 41 años, fue golpeada y murió en Moss Landing

Guadalupe Chávez, de 41 años, fue golpeada y murió en Moss Landing

41 Year-Old Guadalupe Chavez Hit and Killed In Moss Landing Pedestrian Accident, Moss Landing, CA take our free case quiz Driver Stuck and Killed Pedestrian on the Southbound Lane of Highway 1 South of Potrero Road Moss Landing, CA – In the quiet of the night on a typical coastal highway, a routine walk turned […]

Peatón de Fresno atropellado y muerto en un accidente en la Avenida Blackstone

Peatón de Fresno atropellado y muerto en un accidente en la Avenida Blackstone

Fresno Pedestrian Hit and Killed in Blackstone Avenue Crash Pedestrian Accident, Fresno, CA take our free case quiz On Blackstone Avenue, just South of Ashlan Avenue, a Vehicle Hit a Pedestrian Running Across the Street Fresno, CA -In a tragic turn on a Fresno road, a fleeting moment led to irreversible consequences, reflecting the perilous […]

Peatón atropellado y muerto al cruzar la Avenida 10th en Hanford

Peatón atropellado y muerto al cruzar la Avenida 10th en Hanford

Pedestrian Hit and Killed Crossing 10th Avenue in Hanford Pedestrian Accident, Hanford, CA take our free case quiz Driver Failed to See and Avoid Hitting a Pedestrian Walking Across 10th Avenue and Cameron Street Hanford, CA -In the quiet streets of Hanford, a routine evening took a tragic turn, illuminating the ever-present dangers pedestrians face […]