Horrible colisión en la autopista 41: una mujer muerta y seis personas heridas en el condado de Fresno, CA
Horrific Highway 41 Collision: One Woman Dead, Six Others Injured Fresno County, CA Fatal Car Accident, Fresno, Ca take our free case quiz In the wake of the tragic multi-vehicle accident on Highway 41 at Elkhorn Avenue in Fresno County, we are starkly reminded of the devastating impact that distracted driving can have on the […]
Abril Es El Mes De Concientización Sobre La Conducción Distraída
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month by admin take our free case quiz What does it mean to drive distracted to you as a driver? Distracted driving means engaging or participating in an activity while operating a vehicle, which leaves you as a driver prone to hazards on and off the road. According to the […]