Un nuevo estudio muestra que las prohibiciones de enviar mensajes de texto reducen las muertes por accidentes de tráfico
New Study Shows Texting Bans Cut Down On Traffic Deaths by admin take our free case quiz Do texting bans work really work? UAB researchers say that they do. They’ve reviewed over 10 years of data and concluded that certain texting bans can reduce teen traffic deaths by as much as 11 percent. The results […]
Muerte por guerra vs muerte por colisiones de vehículos de motor
Death From War vs Death From Motor Vehicle Collisions Fatal Car Accident Statistics Vs War Casualties take our free case quiz When considering the most significant risks to American lives, we often think of wars and military conflicts. However, it’s crucial to consider other common causes of death, such as vehicle accidents, to gain a […]
Los accidentes automovilísticos cuestan a los estadounidenses $ 871 mil millones
Motor Vehicle Accidents Cost Americans $871 Billion by admin take our free case quiz $871 Billion is a staggering number, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently issued a press release in regards to the results of a study unveiling the economic and societal impacts of motor vehicle crashes. Based off 2010 crash […]
4 de julio apodado el día de viaje más mortal del año
4th of July Dubbed Deadliest Travel Day of the Year by admin take our free case quiz Independence day is almost here, and for most people around the country this means its time to celebrate. Boats will be out on the water, burgers & dogs will be fired up on the grill, fireworks will be […]
Dos colisiones frontales en una misma carretera dejan cinco hospitalizados en Santa Rosa
Two Head On Collisions on One Road Leave Five Hospitalized in Santa Rosa by admin take our free case quiz Early Thursday morning Calistoga road in Santa Rosa played host to not one but two head on collisions that left five people hospitalized. The first collision happened around 6:25 am near Alpine Rd. According to […]
Un guardia de cruces recibe una indemnización de 249.000 dólares
Crossing Guard Receives $249K Settlement by admin take our free case quiz In 2011, 81 year old Marie Dipilla suffered debilitating hip, back and leg injuries when she was hit by a car while working as a crossing guard. She now stands to collect $249,000 dollars from a recently approved settlement. Dipilla was initial offered $80,000 […]
700.000 millas sin accidentes para el coche autónomo de Google
700,000 Accident Free Miles For Google Self-Driving Car by admin take our free case quiz Google the always innovative tech giant has been working on its “Google Chauffeur Project” since 2011. The project is headed by Sebastian Thrun, former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and co-inventor of Google Street View. The project involves […]
Consejos para conducir en clima lluvioso
Rainy Weather Driving Tips by admin take our free case quiz Statistics from the Federal Highway Administration reveal a stunning relationship between accidents and bad weather, especially rain. Nearly one in four vehicular crashes in the U.S. is weather-related, and approximately three-quarters of those accidents occur on pavement that is wet from rain that is […]
Conducir distraído ¿Vale la pena?
Distracted Driving Is It Worth It ? by admin take our free case quiz After years of experience driving can seem like such a mindless task. We get proficient at it and believe we can multi-task while driving, taking on things such as talking on the phone or texting a friend. If you are not […]
What is Whiplash & Can it Be Prevented?
What is Whiplash & Can it Be Prevented? by admin take our free case quiz It’s a sad fact that, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 3 million people suffer from an injury each year in car accidents across the country. From cuts and bruises to spinal cord injuries to, perhaps the […]