Guía de Accidentes de Automóvil en California: Lo que Necesitas Saber
California Car Accidents Guide: What You Need to Know take our free case quiz Navigating the Aftermath of a Car Accident The Reality of Car Accidents in California Car accidents are an unfortunate reality on California’s busy roads. Every day, drivers face the risk of collisions that can lead to serious injuries and significant property […]
Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Insurance Explained
Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Insurance Explained take our free case quiz Navigating Your Coverage Needs Introduction to Your Rights and Risks When it comes to navigating the aftermath of a car accident, understanding your insurance coverage can make all the difference. In the state of California, where roadways are bustling and accidents unfortunately common, protecting […]
La importancia de las fotos de la escena y los testimonios de testigos en reclamaciones por accidentes automovilísticos
The Importance of Scene Photos and Witness Statements in Car Accident Claims take our free case quiz Why Evidence Matters in Car Accident Claims Building a Strong Case with Reliable Evidence In the moments following a car accident, the scene is often chaotic and overwhelming. Yet, it is precisely during these critical moments that collecting […]
2 Robbers Lead Police On A High-Speed Chase Ending In Crash At 14th Street In Oakland

2 Robbers Lead Police On A High-Speed Chase Ending in Crash at 14th Street in Oakland High Speed Chase Accident, Oakland, Ca take our free case quiz It is often said that life can change in an instant. For those involved in the recent high-speed chase on Interstate 580 in Oakland, that saying held a […]
Can I Get Reimbursed For My Property That’s Damaged In An Accident?
Can I Get Reimbursed For My Property That’s Damaged In An Accident? take our free case quiz When a vehicle accident occurs, the immediate concern is understandably the health and safety of those involved. However, there’s another crucial aspect often overlooked in the chaos: property damage. At the Scranton Law Firm, we recognize the significance […]
13 tácticas utilizadas por los ajustadores de seguros
13 Tactics Used By Insurance Adjusters by Christian Scranton take our free case quiz Watch out for these 13 tactics used by insurance adjusters that could interfere with your claim. If you question anything about an adjuster’s conduct, call a personal injury lawyer. 1. You Don’t Hear From The Adjuster Within Two Weeks If you […]
Un guardia de cruces recibe una indemnización de 249.000 dólares
Crossing Guard Receives $249K Settlement by admin take our free case quiz In 2011, 81 year old Marie Dipilla suffered debilitating hip, back and leg injuries when she was hit by a car while working as a crossing guard. She now stands to collect $249,000 dollars from a recently approved settlement. Dipilla was initial offered $80,000 […]
La retirada del interruptor de encendido empeora para GM con una nueva demanda por lesiones cerebrales
Ignition Switch Recall Gets Worse For GM With New Brain Injury Lawsuit by admin take our free case quiz Major auto conglomerate GM’s legal problems just got a little bit worse as a brain injury lawsuit has been added to the long list of suits being filed against the corporate giant for its controversial ignition […]
Gemelos enfrentan cargos de asesinato luego de accidente fatal que mata a padre e hija
Twins Face Murder Charges After Fatal Accident Kills Father and Daughter by admin take our free case quiz Former Sacramento High School wrestling stand outs and twin brothers Ruslan and Roman Glukhoy, are currently in jail facing murder charges in the deaths of Jose Luis Barriga-Tovar, 35, and his 14-year-old daughter Anija. The father and […]
Un sospechoso embiste un coche de policía y huye a pie tras una persecución a gran velocidad

Suspect Rams Police Car Then Gets Away On Foot After High Speed Chase Concord, Ca, Vehicle Accident take our free case quiz A high speed police chase lasting several minutes, involving police from Concord, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek ended on Oak Grove Road in Concord when the suspect pulled the car over and fled […]