Los accidentes de Motocicleta
¿Lesionado en un accidente de moto en California?
Su Abogado para Lesiones Personales por Accidente de Motocicleta en California
Firma de Abogados Scranton
Montar en moto no se trata solo de ir de A a B. Es un estilo de vida, un modo de transporte y un pasatiempo, todo en uno. Scranton Law Firm es un equipo de expertos legales y abogados de lesiones personales con una gran experiencia en accidentes de motocicletas. No somos ajenos a la carretera abierta, y las trampas y lesiones que pueden surgir con la vida, somos la mejor firma de asesoramiento y representación legal para todos los motociclistas en California.
No importa qué tipo de lesión personal haya sufrido como resultado de un accidente de motocicleta, estamos más que familiarizados con las repercusiones de éste tipo de accidente y de los procedimientos médicos a los que puede tener que someterse como resultado. Entendemos el impacto que toda esta interrupción puede tener en la vida cotidiana y siempre tenemos como prioridad número uno que usted pueda volver a la normalidad lo más rápido posible, mientras lo protegemos del estrés que puede generar la búsqueda de un caso legal.
Si está listo para ser aconsejado, sin adquirir ninguna obligación, acerca de su caso de lesión en motocicleta, póngase en contacto con nuestro experimentado equipo hoy y coordinaremos una video llamada o una reunión en persona, lo que sea más conveniente para usted
Asegurémonos de que reciba la compensación que merece
No espere, contacte a la Firma de Abogados Scranton ahora si ha sido lesionado y necesita ayuda. Luchamos por sus derechos, trabajamos incansablemente para obtener la compensación que merece y lo apoyamos en cada paso del proceso legal. Estamos aquí para ayudarlo a ponerse de pie nuevamente. Completar este formulario es su primer paso para recibir la ayuda que necesita. Póngase en contacto con la Firma de Abogados Scranton y demos este importante paso juntos.
Su abogado de lesiones personales para los accidentes de división de carril en California
With Californian cities being famous for gridlocked traffic, the possibility of lane splitting can be one of the draws of biking to and from work. Being able to swap sitting in a stifling car in slow-moving or stopped traffic for freely driving along those white lines is the major plus point for a motorcycle commute. But it does come with certain risks.
Lane splitting is not fully legal in any other state than California. Because of this, there is an alarmingly large number of drivers that are unaware that you can do this legally. As a result, car drivers changing lanes may not be looking out for motorcyclists splitting lanes. The same goes for people visiting from out of state, long-haul truck drivers and any other drivers that may not be familiar with California’s road laws.
Solucionemos su caso para que vuelva a la carretera lo antes posible!
Sepa si tiene un caso!
Es Gratis!
Rugiremos más fuerte que su motocicleta
Thankfully, as cars tend to move slowly between lanes in slow-moving or stationary traffic, the speeds involved in lane splitting are usually low. However, you may be traveling quickly enough on your bike to increase your risk of serious consequences. The risk of severe injury and even death increases as speed differentials increase.
So, what can you do to keep your división de carril as safe as possible?
1. Assume drivers can’t/won’t see you
With lane splitting being such a Californian niche and the state being a popular tourist magnet, the safest thing you can do is presume that none of the drivers in either lane know that you’re even allowed to be there. This will impact your behavior and make sure you’re extra cautious.
2. Keep your speed down
Speed is the number one factor in determining how dangerous an accident is. Even if the surrounding cars and other vehicles are moving slowly, things can quickly change and impatient car drivers may begin to make maneuvers that interfere with your clear line of sight.
3. Avoid blind spots
When splitting lanes in slow-moving traffic, be sure to avoid loitering in the blind spots of cars and larger vehicles. Semi trucks can have very large blind spots, so you could be traveling for a number of seconds while completely invisible to the driver. This might not sound like a lot but it only takes one split-second to cause an accident.
4. Split lanes between the far left lanes
It’s generally safer to split lanes between the lanes on the far left.
5. Wear a helmet/body cam
This won’t exactly help prevent an accident but helmet or body cam footage is one of the most helpful tools available in pursuing a personal injury case.
Despite the negative press that lane splitting can receive, there are some instances where filtering can be safer. For example, stopping between stationary cars can make a motorcyclist more vulnerable. It is possible for parked cars to misjudge the space required by bikers when beginning to move again, meaning the motorcyclist is at risk of being rear-ended. This is much more dangerous for a motorcyclist than a car driver: somebody in a car may suffer whiplash but a motorcyclist could be knocked over and crushed under their bike after even a minor nudge from another vehicle. Similarly, stationary cars in front of a motorbike may not be able to see the motorcyclist, then fail to consider them in future maneuvers once traffic starts going again.
If you’ve been injured in a lane splitting accident in California, you need a local law firm that has expert experience in dealing with the state’s road laws. As avid bikers ourselves, we know how it feels to use these roads on two wheels and we know how quickly accidents can happen. Our main aim is to represent you as a biker in the way you need so you can get your life back on track after your injury. If you’re ready to speak to a personal injury lawyer about your lane splitting accident, get in touch with our team today. We put our clients first, so we’ll be happy to arrange a face-to-face consultation wherever is easiest for you, or even a video call if you prefer.