Are “Bouncy Houses” Safe For Your Child’s Party?

Are “Bouncy Houses” Safe For Your Child’s Party? by admin take our free case quiz An unfortunate incident took place in Littleton, Colorado on Saturday, May 31, where strong winds lifted a bouncy house and blew it across a field with unstoppable force. What’s frightening is that two children were using the bouncy house whenever […]

Looking Back On Leibeck vs. Mcdonalds 20 Years Later

Looking Back On Leibeck vs. Mcdonalds 20 Years Later by admin take our free case quiz People may not remember the Name Stella Leibeck but almost certainly they know of her landmark case vs Mcdonalds. The infamous, Hot Coffee Settlement, spread like wildfire through the news media and became a rallying cry for legal reform. The […]

How To Find Out If You Need A Lawyer

How To Find Out If You Need A Lawyer by admin take our free case quiz Many accident victims prefer to avoid lawyers. They try to handle their own injury claims hoping that the insurance company involved will settle as promptly and fairly as they advertise. Unfortunately, insurance companies do not always respond in that […]

Rainy Weather Driving Tips

Rainy Weather Driving Tips by admin take our free case quiz Statistics from the Federal Highway Administration reveal a stunning relationship between accidents and bad weather, especially rain. Nearly one in four vehicular crashes in the U.S. is weather-related, and approximately three-quarters of those accidents occur on pavement that is wet from rain that is […]