Panera Bread Sued by Teen for Cardiac Arrest Allegedly Caused by Charged Lemonade

Panera Bread Lemonade Lawsuit

Lawsuit Filed by Teen After Cardiac Arrest Linked to Panera Bread’s Charged Lemonade Product Liability, Defective Products take our free case quiz Teen’s Cardiac Arrest Sparks Lawsuit Against Panera Bread Over Charged Lemonade A Monroeville teenager is suing Panera Bread after suffering cardiac arrest and seizures, allegedly caused by drinking Panera’s “Charged Lemonade.” The lawsuit, […]

Panera Bread Facing Third Lawsuit Over Charged Lemonade Drink

Panera Bread Facing Third Lawsuit Over Charged Lemonade Drink

Panera Bread Facing Third Lawsuit Over Charged Lemonade Drink Product Liability, Wrongful Death take our free case quiz Third Lawsuit Filed Against Panera Bread Over Highly Caffeinated “Charged Lemonade” Drink Panera Bread is currently facing a third lawsuit due to health concerns linked to their highly caffeinated “Charged Lemonade” drink. The latest case involves a […]