Motor Vehicle Accidents Cost Americans $871 Billion

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$871 Billion is a staggering number, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently issued a press release in regards to the results of a study unveiling the economic and societal impacts of motor vehicle crashes. Based off 2010 crash statistics, economic loss and societal damage has cost the American people $871 billion. To put that impact into perspective that means that just the economic costs alone set each American person back $900.

Here are the costs factored in when totaling the economic toll:

  • Productivity loss
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Medical costs
  • Congestion costs
  • Property damage
  • Legal and court costs
  • Emergency services
  • Emergency administration costs
  • Costs to employers

Increasing safety on U.S. roadways is a must. Not just because of the economic toll it takes because of the tragic loss of our loved ones. U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Fox states that no amount of money can replace the loss of a loved one and who can disagree? Increased safety would lead to many saved lives and that should be our first priority. According to the Economic and Societal Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2010, which is the study this article is based on, there were a variety of behavior factors that contributed to the 32,999 fatalities and 3.9 billion non-fatal injuries looked at.

Many of these motor vehicle crashes are extremely preventable. Costly causes such as speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence can easily be avoided. It starts with raising awareness. Seatbelt use, pedestrian safety, and cyclist safety are a great place to start. These are areas of safety that can be drastically altered. Drivers also need to make a commitment to safety. It’s imperative they do. Habits like texting on the newest smart phone—or any phone— while driving has to stop. And of course drinking and driving. That’s a no brainer. We all need to take responsibility when it comes to paying attention on the road.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in an accident then contact the accident lawyers at the Scranton Law Firm to get all your legal questions answered and have your case evaluated free of charge. Call today at 800 – 400 – 8742 or Click Here to schedule a free consultation online.

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