4th of July Dubbed Deadliest Travel Day of the Year

by admin

Independence day is almost here, and for most people around the country this means its time to celebrate. Boats will be out on the water, burgers & dogs will be fired up on the grill, fireworks will be popping off in the sky, and for many the booze will be flowing!

Unknown to many July 3-5 is one of the most dangerous times of the year for drivers to be on the road. Of all the holidays we celebrate this three day period consistently ranks in the top three for most deadly vehicle accidents with Labor Day and Memorial Day. The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety has dubbed the 4th the Deadliest Day on the highways based on there four year study that showed, on average, there is more traffic deaths on the 4th then any other day of the year.

Don’t become another 4th of July statistic this year follow these important safety tips.

1) Don’t Drink & Drive – This one is obvious and goes for all times of year but especially during the holidays. Last year over 40% of the fatal accidents that occurred over the 4th of July holiday involved drunk drivers.

2) Put Down The Phones – Distracted driving is dangerous all year around but at this time of year it gets even worse with all the added people on the road ways.

3) Buckle Up –  Wearing your seat belt is one of the simplest and best safety tips to practice always. Over half of all fatal car accident victims are not wearing there seat belt.

Have fun, be safe, be smart and have some great times with your family and friends!

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